Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Top Tips for Taking a Running Recovery Day

Top Tips for Taking a Running Recovery Day

Days off during running training are as important as the workout days. Here are some important tips to remember when taking a day off from race training.

1) Limit Running - This is what your day off is all about. Rest your legs and mind so that you can start your next workout day with a clear mind and rested body.

2) Cross-train - Cross training is a great way to stay in shape, feel good about yourself, while giving your legs a rest from the usual strain from running. Biking, weight lifting, swimming, jump rope, pilates, and yoga are all great options

3) Eat Well - Continue to eat healthy foods and those high in protein so that your body will be prepared for your next high energy workout. Don't use your off-day to pig out on snack foods. Everything should be in moderation!

4) Spend Time with Friends & Family - Running is time-consuming and your friends and family have probably realized it. Spend your off day catching up with the friends and family that are understanding of your schedule.

5) Pick Your Next Race! - Spend your off-day researching upcoming road races in your area. This will keep you motivated and have you anxious for your next running workout.

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