3.15 Miles Around the Neighborhood in 26:12
I'll tell you what, I have been remarkably sore since Tuesday night's 5+ mile run. My quads took a tremendous beating on those 3 major hills, and I have been paying the price the last few days. In fact, walking down stairs on Wed, Thurs, Fri. just absoutely killed. I am finally just getting
So, waking up this morning I decided to hit the pavement for a few miles knowing that Scott is going to get in at least one run this weekend. Like I said earlier, the quads and ankle were still hurting pretty bad, but I think a short run was exactly what was needed to loosen the muscles up. I conciously avoided hills and decided to go 2-3 miles. So, all things considered things worked out pretty well. I completed the 3.15 mile run in 26:12 for an average pace of 8:18. I burned 424 calories in the process. I can live with the 8+ pace knowing that I never turned it on at the beginning or the end in trying to push things. Had I, I maybe could have gotten subs 8:10 pace, but no big deal.
I have a 10K on the horizon, but it isn't until August. So I've got a bit of time to ramp up.
In the challenge Scott and I have to 50 miles, I'm currently up on him 8.43 to 5.43