Saturday, October 22, 2005

Day # 94 Continued: 6 Mile Run Instead of 18

A couple hours of rest after my morning soccer game had me ready to make my longest training run to date of 18 miles. I had my entire route mapped out and I good to go as I left the house around noon. Everything was going well for the first couple of miles, but around mile 2-3, my groin started killing me, yes the same one that has plauged my soccer season over the past 2 months. I ran through the pain for a bit longer, but eventually came to the conculsion that I could not make the full distance. I turned around at BU and jogged back to Beacon Hill, finishing with a time of 49:12 for about 6 miles or so. A dissapointing run. Given the results today, I think I am going to shut down my soccer season (with only 2 games left) and plan to fully recover in time for the marathon next month. I really need to get in a long run either in the middle of next week or next weekend. I just hope my groin will cooperate.

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