Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Slow 5k (3.11 mile) Treadmill Run in 27:05

Slow 5k (3.11 mile) Treadmill Run in 27:05

I went downstairs tonight with no other goal except getting in a slow 5K run on the treadmill. I started slow, paced it slow, and finished slow. The idea behind the slower workout was to give my muscles a bit of recovery (I was incredibly tired this morning waking up after 11 miles in 2 days), and also to work the slow-twitch muscles. Slower runs like the one I did tonight help to keep your legs and mind fresh and ready to tackle the next hard run.

I ended up finishing the 3.11 mile run in 27:05 for an average pace of 8:41/mile. According to nikeplus I burned 430 total calories.

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